Color Rabbit GFP Video Subtitles (rough) in English

Color Rabbit GFP
Subtitles (rough) in English

Seq. 1
- Take more, is Alice recipe.
- You pronounce Alice, Alice.

- Hey, Carrot, don’t you really want some?
- No.
- Oh, he is a fool.

- Alice is coming?
- I don’t know, but if it kicks…

- It makes me thirsty.
- Probably she is wondering herself at the mirror.
- Why?
- Don’t you know? Say nothing, but she applied silicone
- How say nothing? I’m going to ask
- How many mililiters?
- That I put? I mean, not me, the doctor…
- It was two hundred, a hundred each one.
- And they get a ten!
- I don’t have the nerve, I guess it is much pain.
- Is it good to touch?
- Yes… Afranio didn’t like, told me I look like a rubber. But …
- … Potato said that I seemed a Playboy bunny!
- A bunny!
- A color bunny!

- What is so funny? I see nothing.
- That is Potato who became a bunny!
- Potato! I didn’t know that vegetables could change into animals
- A blue bunny! Pink! Green!

Seq. 2
- What time is it? What time is it?
- 10:55
- What rubbish! Now they’re going to say that the rabbit becomes that green!
- It is cell phone advertisement.
- Or he is not ripe yet.
- I shall be late, I shall be late.
- But what means that rabbit?
- A guy on 2000 decided to take a transgenic rabbit and call it work of art.
- It is rubbish, the transgenic rabbit become only slightly green, and still only under ultraviolet light.
- What do you mean a transgenic rabbit? He didn’t paint the rabbit? It is genetic modified? Why he did that?
- Neither was him who did that.
- A French Institute of transgenic research uses hundreds of these rabbits. For researching the cure of diseases… The guy only took one of the female rabbits, wanted to take it home, to become a pet. He even made a website about the matter.
- These rabbits receive the GFP, green, fluorescent protein, to be highlighter at the trials, In the case of this one, didn’t work, because it spread to the whole body.
- Things that happen on research…
- I shall be late, I shall be late.
- But if the guy called it Art, must be a conceptual stuff , something he wants with this.
- My cousin has some fluorescent tiger fish she bought at internet, so cheap. It’s cool, they match with her hair so…
- I’d like to know who asked the fish and the rabbit if they agree with all this.
- You see, I know I don’t agree. I’m sick of this. I shall be late. I’m going away, because I shall be late.

Seq 3
- Look, there
- What happened?
- A green rabbit!
- Where? Where is it?
- Hey, but it is truly green!
- Maybe it’s spoiled or sick.
- Let’s catch it! Let’s catch it!

Créditos do Coelho em Cores GFP